When I read the title of this post, I thought is this going to be a mushroom scone recipe?! Thankfully not, as I, like you don’t like them! Those scones look delicious, and you have reminded me I need to catch up on my reading of Nicola’s Substack and keep an eye out for her book!

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No mushroom recipes ever from me! I think Sift is out here later in the year.

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Julia, I so get the walk and woods! I lived in Germany for many years, there are little areas of green in the cities, passive parks. Just for sitting, wildlife, birds. Here, my neighbors called it a vacant lot (!) and convinced the city to put in a disk course throughout. Instead of owls, I now hear plastic disks ricocheting off of trees and metal baskets. Most people only see something that needs to be changed or adapted to human needs. I like the serenity of nature in her raw state. But I must also admit that I love my salmon and wood furniture. Hmm.

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I think that having those small pockets of nature are so special. We all need places where we can connect with a little bit of wilderness even in urban areas.

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Ooh, a scone recipe I can get behind! Mushrooms are wonderful adaptogens. If you don't like the texture, try Real Mushrooms ground lions mane in your tea. Great for the brain!

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There are a couple of mushroom growers at the markets who sell a powdered version. Maybe I should try them!

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I mix 1/2 tsp in with green tea and chamomile. I will use for a week, then take a break. Also supposed to be good for your GI tract. So far, so good. 😉

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I adore those fly agaric ‘fairy tale’ mushrooms 🍄

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Aren’t they fabulous. They look very fairy tale like.

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Those scones! 🤩

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Love a scone!

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Jun 26Liked by Julia Matusik

I also enjoy mushroom spotting (although not foraging) and was very delighted to find some of the magical fairytale mushrooms in my local area this year too. I am shocked by the idea of kneading scones (however lightly) but Nicola's advice is always spot on. I will have to try!

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It's such a lovely thing to do and i'm always amazed at the number of varieties and how different they all are. I too was skeptical about the kneading scones, but should know better than to question Nicola's rigorous testing!

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